A Good Yarn

Monday, July 17, 2006

Out and About

When I was in Sioux Falls, I also stopped by the Hobby Lobby. We don't have any Hobby Lobby stores in the Twin Cities, so whenever I'm in Sioux Falls I stop by and check it out. They had some colors of their Katrina on sale, so I bought some more of the dark brown and some of the tan:

I've got so much Katrina in my stash now, that I really need to make something for myself out of it. I made a sweater for my Mom from Katrina and really like it. I also bought some cotton yarn to make some dishclothes and bibs from the Mason-Dixon Knitting book:

Last weekend Bill and his family took me out for dinner for my birthday at the Mall of America. I decided to buy a ticket for the kids to all go on one ride at the Camp formerly known as Snoopy. Here's me and the kids in said Camp:

The older teen girl is Beth's sister, Kelly. Kelly is staying with Bill and Beth for 6 weeks this summer. Beth and Kelly made me some anklets for my birthday:

They also made me a ring with beads and wire in a daisy pattern, but I couldn't get a good picture of it. It was a fun birthday celebration!

I had another birthday celebration last Saturday when some of my knitting buddies and I went out for Dim Sum at Bui in St. Paul. My dear friend Connie tutored me in the ways of dim sum as I was a virgin, and she picked up the tab for my birthday as well. I really liked it. Usually there's one or two things I don't really like, but I can honestly say I liked everything I tried. If you haven't had dim sum, I'd highly recommend it.

Last Sunday I went out for brunch with Kerry for another type of buffet - this time good old American brunch. We ate at Enjoy! in Apple Valley. It's a really pretty restaurant and the brunch was delicious. The chocolate fountain was a great way to finish the meal, even though I was completely stuffed! Afterwards we went to a coffee shop and knit away the rest of the afternoon. It was such a nice, relaxing day. I almost finished my blue sock, too. I'll post a picture soon.