Are you sure it isn't Saturday?
I still managed to stay up until my usual bedtime last night, so I worked a bit on my pink cabled sweater. It's the cover sweater from Knitters, Spring 1999:
Kind of hard to see with that big "Sold Out" splashed across it. As you can see, this was a very popular issue, probably because it was the "Multi-sizing Sweaters" issue. It also had some of the squares for the GNAA and I knit a square based on one of these for the cable and lace afghan project:

It also has the knitter's angels.
I already made one of the sweaters from this issue - "Opulent Options", which is made in Berroco Glace, one of my favorite yarns.
There are some other classic patterns that I know a lot of people have knitted in this issue too - Striped Illusion, Ridged Raglans, the trio of A-Line vests, and More Than a Sweatshirt.
I bought the yarn for the Florentine Flattery back in 99 when the issue first came out and it's been aging in my stash for 5 years, so I'm happy to finally get it going. As I think I've said before, I don't think I'll be able to finish before it starts to get cold again, but c'est le vie. I've finished the back and I'm halfway up one of the fronts:
And just because he was looking so darn cute, here's Finbar watching me take a picture of Florentine Flattery: