Finished Object!

It's an animal mat for the Critter Knitters Knit-a-Thon. I used Mission Falls 1824 Cotton. I got the natural colors in the Great Stash Redistribution Project. I picked up the blue and red at the new yarn store in town, Borealis, to add a little color to the project. I've wanted to try this yarn for a while because I love the 1824 Wool so much. I think I prefer mercerized cotton. I've also wanted to knit a blanket in squares like that for quite a while also. Perfect project to do both!
I did a little yard work, not my favorite thing. I had a nice treat, though. I was mowing and found this hidden in a little corner:

Aren't they cute? I was charmed, despite the sweat dripping off me. I also finally planted the annuals I bought. They look pretty sad, but here's the hanging basket:

Sunday night I saw this guy:

I was going to try to find a picture of Clapton with a guitar, because the show was smoking hot and his guitar playing was totally on, but I really liked this picture. It was a great show, with mostly great blues numbers, like a set in the middle of Robert Johnson songs. At the end he rocked out with the great hits like Layla, Cocaine, etc.
Before the concert we ate dinner at Fhima's. I highly recommend it. The food was great and we had a nice table outside so we could watch people going to the concert. The staff was very friendly and they upgraded our wine for free when the bottle we ordered wasn't available.
Since then I've just been working, working, working and sweating, sweating, sweating. Enough with the hot and humid weather already!!