I love new projects

It's a garter stitch shawl made with the K1C2 Tartelette I got at Amazing Threads. They had a garter stitch shawl in this yarn in the shop as the project of the month and I loved the yarn and these colors, so I had to get some for myself. The shop project had an edging of a complementary colored ribbon yarn crocheted around, but I decided to leave that off and do the eyelet edging instead. Here's a close up of the yarn fabric:

Love that combination of purple, green and pink - my favorite color and the hottest colors around right now.
This yarn reminds me a lot of Berroco Zen, which I made a sweater from a few years ago:

The tartelette is much softer and has a better drape, though. I don't think I'd ever knit with Zen again, but I probably would with Tartelette.