Catch Up
My mind must have been elsewhere, because I took that picture of the Skull Wrister on the back porch - and forgot to bring it back inside. And it rained :-( I can't believe I was so absent-minded. Luckily, there is a big tree next to the porch, so it mostly protected the knitting from the rain.
Friday I visited a new craft store, Artsy Tartsy. I've passed it many, many times, but never stopped. I finished my last meeting around 5:00 on Friday, so I decided rather than go back to the office I'd go straight home, so I might as well check this place out on the way. It's a cute little store. They are a combo-scrapbooking and bead store. I managed to avoid buying any scrapbooking stuff, but I had wanted to get more supplies for making stitch markers, so I bought a few beads. I've decided to use the stitch markers for RAOKs and my secret pal, so no pictures of those. But, I couldn't resist making a bracelet with these great blue beads:

Since I had the beading supplies out, I also made this purple bracelet. I bought the kit at Michael's last month:

Isn't that semi-precious stone gorgeous? I love it!
Saturday was our monthly Ample Knitter get together. It was a small group, but really fun. I think sometimes a small group is better because you can talk to everyone easily. Border's was really crowded with students, so we're thinking about moving to a new site now that the weather is getting cooler and school is back in session.
Afterwards I went to Borealis Yarns to finally check out the Schaefer Anne yarn. Last month someone told me they carried Anne and I've been wanting to knit the scarf in Interweave Knits with Anne. I found a great colorway that I like - what a surprise, it's purple!

I also wanted to pick up some Cascade 220. I've never used this yarn before, and so I wanted to try it out. I've decided to join the Yarn Harlot thrummed mittens knitalong. I bought some blue Tibetan Cashmere fleece from Woolen Meadow Farm at the Minnesota Sheep and Wool Festival with the idea of making thrummed mitts. I thought yellow would look nice with the blue:

I have to direct you all to the "W is for Women" website. I was just talking to my friend Jackie about how annoying I find those "W Stands for Women" bumper stickers are. His policies have been so destructive to women and children. I should have trusted my fellow knitters to call him on it. Check out their Cafe Press store - I'll be stocking up on some of those items for sure!