Warning: Rant Ahead

I was extremely cranky on Wednesday, so it was good to do some crafty stuff that would hold my interest. I was dealing with a lot of BS on the work-front. Just a tip - it's much more professional to be up front and talk to someone if you don't like the job they are doing rather than playing games. ARGH! After that meeting I get in the car and hear the charges against Kobe Bryant have been dropped. I can't help but feel that he was able to buy his freedom - both through hiring attack-dog lawyers and PR spinners to destroy the victim and probably by offering a monetary settlement to the victim. This is especially true after hearing the apology letter signed by Mr. Bryant. Then when I get home, the Republic National Convention is on, which really makes me crabby. I love how the Republican platform is about as right-wing as you can get, and yet they bring in all the most liberal Republicans to give speeches - you can't tell me most of those delegates would vote for John McCain, Rudy Guiliani or Arnold Schwarzenegger. And the speech of Sen. Zell Miller, a man I used to respect, was just unbelievable and over the top.
On a more positive note, I took the morning off work and went to the fair with my friend Kathy. She liked the bugs a lot and will be using them in a display. We got a chance to look at the crafts building at more length and as Susan mentioned, the judging at the fair is notoriously odd. The one that most floored me was a white ribbon and a special yarn shop award for a scarf that was simply garter stitch. The knitter had use 3-4 different novelty yarns and it was knit the long way, but it was still just garter stitch. Very nice and lovely, but not really any great showcase of skill. That's why I don't enter anything in the fair. There was a beautiful lacy scarf with a beaded fringe, which did get a blue ribbon, but no special yarn shop prize. If I were that person, I of course would be happy about the blue ribbon, but very sad about losing out on the yarn shop prize to a garter stitch scarf. There is a yarn shop booth at the Fair, and I didn't buy any yarn, but I did buy these:

They are so soft and comfy, I had to put them on as soon as I got back to the office in the afternoon - my feet were killing me from all the walking around we did.
As I watched the Vikings lose another meaningless game (I can't wait until REAL football starts next week!), I knit up my Elann Samples. I loved the Classic Elite Attitude, a cotton, silk blend that is going on the site on 9/7. I may have to pick some of that stuff up.
And to close on a friendly, furry note, here's some pictures of my pups:

As you can see, the leaves have already started to change colors and fall off the trees, although it was over 90 degrees yesterday. And I thought I'd take one of Finbar on the picnic table. I have a very old, rickity picnic table in the back yard, and if I sit at the picnic table, Finbar likes to jump up on top of it and sit next to me.