End of the Month

I love the sparkly one. It comes in some great colors, too.
It's really fun to knit the little swatches and dream about yarns I'm going to buy. Luckily, the yarns are not available immediately when I get the samples. Each Tuesday a new yarn is put on the site. That calms my impulsivity to buy the ones I like right away, but I still have gotten a lot of yarn - it's a great deal and you should check out the website if you haven't already.
Last night I saw this play:

It's put on by UM Students aboard the Minnesota Centennial Showboat - a boat docked on the Mississippi River. As the brochure describes: "In keeping with Showboat tradition, delightfully choreographed olios (musical interludes) are interspersed throughout The Mousetrap to amuse, entertain, and tickle your fancy." I quite enjoyed it. The students were cute as a button and really good. I loved being on the boat!
I finished "Atonement". Very good book, and I highly recommend it. Next up is a book I got from my brother for my birthday:

I love Penn & Teller - last spring I saw them in Vegas, which I would also highly recommend.