All Good Things Must Come to an End

It was also a fun show. We ended up pulling up some chairs and sitting down because niece and nephew, possibly the laziest person in the world, were along and got tired. Right in front of us was a group of people who did quite a bit of swing dancing. It was fun watching them dance and trying to figure out what the relationships to each other were.
Before Ribfest I went to Needlework Unlimited to check out their selection of Schaefer Anne. I really want to knit the scarf in the newest Interweave Knits that uses Anne, but I didn't like the colors they had there, so I left empty handed. I'm so proud of myself! I was sorely tempted by the Rowan Calmer, but I'm going to keep trying to get it from eBay at a little cheaper price.
When I got home I was exhausted so I watched some tv and knit on my Cable T. I'm almost done with the front:

Here's a closer look at the cable up the front: