Road Trip
Sunday I had to go to Cass Lake for a home visit. It's about a 4 hour drive there, so I always treat myself on the way back with a stop at the Outlet Mall. I decided this time to check out a craft store I had seen billboards for instead. It's called Crafts Direct, in Waite Park/St. Cloud.
What a great store!! It's a very large craft store with lots of supplies for all manner of crafts - kind of like a Michael's or a Hobby Lobby, only bigger and with better stuff. I was in search of supplies for an afghan square (more about that later), but I got distracted by all the scrapbooking/rubber stamping supplies when I walked in. I bought some very cute rubber stamps and some stickers.
The Ample Knitter's List is knitting a group afghan for one of our members who is ill and in the hospital right now. We're knitting it in the unofficial list colors - purple and yellow/gold (my favorites!!). I wanted to do something unique, so I decided to knit a square from this book:

The pattern calls for DK weight yarn and 5mm beads. I don't have any DK weight yellow, so I decided I would just check this store. 5mm beads are larger than seed beads, so I didn't have any beads that size, either.
I spent quite a bit of time looking at the beads and didn't find any that were 5mm. I did pick up a beaded watch kit in purple, though. :-) By the time I got through with the beads and rubberstamps, etc. I only had 5 minutes to look at yarn - bad shopping on my part!! I did manage to find the yarn for the afghan square, though. It's Patons Grace. There aren't any reviews in Wise Needle for this yarn, but I'll submit one after I finish knitting it up. I love it so far. I checked The Bead Monkey for 5mm beads, also, but didn't find anything. There was one Czech bead that had a wide enough hole and was about 5mm, but there weren't enough of them. I decided to just use size 6 seed beads instead and I think it looks ok. Here's what I have so far:

I also picked up a skein of fluffy yarn to make some of the knitted flip-flops for my neice for her birthday. I've never seen this yarn before, but I really like it.