See, I'm Being a Good Girl
I didn't schedule any social activities for this entire weekend so I could stay home, get some cleaning done around the house, catch up on some tv shows I've taped and, of course, knit.
Unfortunately, my sports obsession intruded on the first two activities. I got a little bit of cleaning done and watched a couple of shows, but mostly I was watching Minnesota sports at its most typical - crushing the hopes and dreams of Minnesota sports fans everywhere.
First, the Gophers choke away a 10 point 4th quarter lead to Michigan, thus making the Rose Bowl very unlikely. Then the Twins give away a 4 run lead to the hated Yankees and end up losing in the 11th inning. Off a run by that poster boy of Yankees financial dominance, A-Rod. I hate the Yankees! At least the Gopher hockey team won a meaningless game. I'm hoping the Vikings can manage to salvage what could have been a magical weekend from the depths of despair.
I managed to finish the other front on the Florentine Flattery and start the sleeves. Since I haven't posted a picture of Flor in a while, here's the sleeve:

The sleeve is just moss stitch with a little cable going up the middle:

I had to break into one skein to finish up the front, so I have just a little bit less than 2 balls left for the 2 sleeves and the button band. I KNOW I'm not going to have enough to do all that, but I'm hoping each sleeve will only take on skein. We'll see. I found a yarn that looks exactly the same as this at The Yarnery, but the color is slightly different. I'll definitely use it for the button band and not worry about the off color, but it wouldn't be good for finishing the sleeves. I've thought about getting the Mandarin Petit and doubling it - I'm sure the color wouldn't be exactly the same though. Why didn't I buy an extra skein? Oh yeah, because I didn't have much money and didn't want to pay for an extra skein. Dumb, dumb girl.
I also did some tv watching. The fall season is in full swing again. So far I'm not in love with any of the new shows. The one with the most potential is "Lost." It's very intriguing and different, which is what I most like in a tv show. So far I really like it a lot, but I can see where it might jump the shark pretty early and I'm really not sure how they're going to sustain it for several years if it is a hit. I also enjoyed the first episode of "Desperate Housewives". Great cast. Off-beat. Also could be too zany though, so I'm waiting for a few more episodes to really decide.
"CSI:NY" is solid, of course. I love the police procedural type shows, so I watch them all, but none of them really stand out more than the others, to me. Too much the same.
In the just ok category: "Boston Legal" also "zany" and I'm not sure I'm going to like David E. Kelly's weird legal antics (I grew tired of Ally McBeal after a couple of seasons), but I love James Spader, so I'm giving it a try. "Clubhouse" looks pretty hokey, but I'm giving it more of a try, mainly because I love the cast. "Dr. Vegas" is about what you'd think, but I'm a Joey Pants and Rob Lowe fan, so I'll watch it until it's cancelled, which may be soon. "LAX" is campy fun. Paul Leyden from "As The World Turns" is on it and he's dreamy. Blair Underwood and Heather Locklear are gorgeous. "Medical Investigation" is kind of boring, but I'll continue to watch it for Neal McDonough, pretending like it's "Boomtown", one of my favorite shows that was cancelled way too prematurely.
"Complete Savages" was trash. "Listen Up" was trash, which bummed me out because I love Tony Kornheiser and would love a cool, funny show that really reflected his columns. Unfortunately, Jason Alexander is no Tony K. and the daughter character was like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. "Father of the Pride", "Hawaii" and "Joey" were all really bad. I was prepared to like Joey, but it's just not funny.
In old shows news: "Nip/Tuck" just finished it's season on a high note. I love that show and can't wait for next season. "The Wire" is, as usual, fascinating. I'm patiently waiting for "Arrested Development" to begin again.