Long Time, No Post
On Saturday I went to Cafe Barbette with a friend and then we saw this movie:

Loved it, Loved it, Loved it! My favorite movie of the year so far. It was really funny, but also really sad and real.
The Vikings game was a late game, so I went out for breakfast on Sunday with another friend. We went to my favorite place for Sunday brunch, 128 Cafe. They have a delicious crepes with strawberries and yummy crispy bacon. Afterward I went to The Yarnery to pick up a couple of colors of Tahki Cotton Classic to make the Punk Rock Dolls from SNB Nation. It's one of my favorite yarns so I already had most of the yarn in my stash. The Yarnery was PACKED. Knitting is obviously really popular right now. Wow. I'm used to being the only one in a yarn store.
I also knit up the Velvet Oblivion with the yellow Touch Me I got from my Secret Pal.

THANKS SECRET PAL!!! This is one of my all time favorite yarns and I fell in love with it again when making the Velvet Oblivion. A lot of people don't like knitting with chenille because there is no give, but it really doesn't bother me - probably because I knit loosely. I was able to knit 3 masks from one skein of Touch Me, and I had more left, so I might have been able to knit a 4th. I used only a small portion of the skein of Boa.
Stephannie suggests washing the mask in the washer as recommended by Sally Melville. I've knit 3 other things with Touch Me and never washed them, so I tried it with a bit of trepidation. It worked pretty well, though. As Stephannie describes, you get a nice, crushed velvet look. It is intended to stop any worming of the chenille. The purse I made in Touch Me wormed like crazy. However, I made a scarf for the friend I saw on Saturday and she was wearing it and I didn't see any worms. I also made myself a sweater and don't have any worms, so I think the key is to knit at a tight gauge. However, the washing definitely does felt the binder thread - you can see the one I washed, which is in the middle, is smaller than the other two.

The angle of the photo gives it a false look though - the top and bottom mask are both the same size. Even at the smaller size, the mask covers both of my eyes, but the larger size probably would keep out more light. I'm trying to decide whether to wash the other two.
I know some people don't like pet photos on blogs, but I'm part of the Puppy Ring, so doggie snaps are part of the requirements. Plus, I love to see dog photos on other blogs and love my dogs, so I'm gonna post dog photos. Most nights when I'm at home knitting, I'm sitting in my recliner, watching tv or a movie. Fiona usually hides away in my bedroom, but occasionally she'll be in a corner of the room. Finbar usually lays on the floor next to my feet, in front of the door, or on the couch, next to my chair. Then he sits and looks at me knitting:

Eventually he gets bored and falls asleep: