The Election Protection thing went well. I was assigned as Legal Lead in a precinct in south Minneapolis. We had no real problems. There were a few questions about same day registration and the election judge asked us to help a few people find out where their precinct was when they were in the wrong place, but otherwise a very quiet, smooth day. There were no lines at our polling place, just a steady stream of voters throughout the day. I was a bit worried about that since I expected a high voter turnout. I guess it was just everywhere else, as there was a high turnout and Kerry won Minnesota. At least I have that.
We did have one bit of excitement. There were 2 representatives from the DFL Party there - one would be inside the polling place as a "challenger" and the other sat outside 100' away from the door of the polling place (where we were), basically doing what we were doing. They didn't know we would already be there. A GOP lawyer showed up and challenged their right to be in the building. Since they weren't electioneering, the election judge said they could stay and the guy took off. Actually, I sort of wished they did have to leave, because it was very difficult not to talk to them when they were sitting 5 feet away. Since EP is non-partisan, we were asked not to associate with anyone from the parties at all. One of the challengers was knitting, so I couldn't help myself from chatting about that!
I did knit a bit myself. I was working on my "car knitting", which is a tennis sock from "Socks, Socks, Socks". I got the heel flap done and the heel turned. I didn't knit at all when I watched the returns after I got home in the evening - I spent some time going through the email that had accumulated during the day and some time talking, ranting and raving with my brother. It's still a shock.
Before I went to bed I started our next book for Book Club: