Time Flies...
I dropped Jessica off at work and picked up a Ho Ho Mocha at Caribou - a fun holiday treat for this coffee-lover. I felt good about how things went with Jessica here and for taking care of her so my brother, Greg, and Michael could go visit Mom in Sioux Falls. I thought about a matinee, but it was too early so I just went home and worked on the Henry Rollins doll for Greg. The Friday after Thanksgiving is prime time for Marathons on cable, so I also caught up on a couple of missed episodes in the "What Not to Wear" marathon, the "Law & Order" marathon (I can't believe I haven't seen them all) and the "Crossing Jordan" marathon. That's my idea of a fun day - good tube and knitting. Of course, I didn't get any reading done despite the fact that I had to catch up on "Shadow of the Wind".
My friend's wedding was at 6:00 so I had to quick jump in the shower and get ready. The wedding was at the Minnesota Zoo, on the Tropics Trail. What a fantastic idea! Most animals are nocturnal, so when you go to the zoo in the afternoon, a lot of them are sleeping. From 6:00 - 8:00, they're wide awake and very active. Strolling along the Tropics Trail with hardly anyone else around, sipping on a glass of wine - that's a great time! Since it was in the Tropics Trail, we were warned that it would be warm and steamy, so we should dress for a June wedding. Yeah! I bought this purple velvety sleeveless dress a couple of years ago and have never had an occasion to wear it. I threw on a gold stole to cover my arms and paired it with a pair of my favorite pointy-toed pumps. Like most girls, I love playing dress up, even at age 36. The food at the zoo was really excellent. Usually food at such a large event is just so-so, but this was fantastic.
I decided not to stay for the dancing and took my exit when my friend Claire and her husband did. Claire and I made plans for a matinee the next day, which totally screwed up my plans to catch up on that reading, but I can't resist a matinee. I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some stuff for my holiday baking. I started the holiday baking that afternoon with what I had in the house already and made my list for the rest of the goodies. When I got home, I decided to keep working on the Henry Rollins doll. I was duplicate stitching the hair onto the back of the head. It was extremely time consuming and really didn't look great. I'm convinced that the original doll has the hair knitted on and not duplicate stitched. I wanted to get it finished before I put it down so that I wouldn't have to face that task again, so I ended up not getting to bed until 3:00 a.m. It's not the late night that was a problem though - it was the breakfast and an early matinee that I had planned with Claire. So, after getting far too little sleep, we met up for breakfast and then saw this:

Great movie. I love Liam Neeson and he did a great job with a tough character. Kinsey was not the most caring and thoughtful guy in the world, but you still care about him and feel like you understand him. I'm not a huge Laura Linney fan, but she did a good job with Mrs. Kinsey as well. It's amazing to realize how much impact his work has had on our society. Most people credit Hugh Hefner with the sexual revolution, but I wonder if Playboy would even have been possible without Kinsey's work. Very interesting ideas about sex v. love, the "origins" of homosexuality, the morality of trying to legislate sexual matters, the politics of sex, male v. female sexuality, etc. I'd highly recommend it. After the movie, I had to take a nap, so I ended up sleeping the rest of the afternoon. I did a little more baking and more knitting, but it was a quiet night around the house on Saturday night.
Sunday, as usual this time of year, was football day. Greg and I decided to get breakfast before the game, so it was another early (for me) morning. My whole body clock was screwed up so it was past 2:00 again when I got to bed on Saturday night. As a self-employed person, I can pretty much set my own hours, which is nice. However, I do live in a society that runs on a certain timeframe, so I need to sort of conform to societal norms. If I were a writer or something where I didn't need to interact with the rest of the world, I think my natural body clock would put me to sleep around 2:00 a.m. and then back up at about 10:00 a.m. Anyway, despite my fatigue, I enjoyed the game. It was pretty boring until this happened:

which led to this:

and then finally this: