It's the Holidays
Act your age: 37 and almost exactly 1/2
Born on what day of the week: Monday's child is fair of face. No really, I was born on a Monday.
Chore you hate: Really all of them. I guess the one I hate the most is mowing the lawn.
Dad's name: Jim
Essential make-up item: I never really get this question, because if I'm going to put on makeup, I'm putting it all on. I'd never just put one thing on. If I don't have enough to do the whole thing, I just go without.
Favorite actors/actresses: So, so many. If I had to choose one, it'd be Johnny Depp.
Gold or silver: silver.
Hometown: I live in St. Paul, MN so when people ask where I'm from, I say St. Paul. But I grew up in Sioux Falls, SD so I guess that's my hometown in the sense of that.
Instruments you play: none
Job title: Attorney, Mediator, Guardian ad Litem
Kids: Just puppies
Living arrangements: Me and the dogs in a small house in the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul.
Mom's name: Anne
Number of socks you own: Lots. In fact, too many for my dresser to hold, so I have a laundry basket next to the dresser just filled with socks. I'm crazy that way.
Overnight hospital stays: So far as I can remember, none. I've been told when I was born I did, though.
Phobia: I'm pretty scared of snakes, although when I was a docent at the zoo, I sort of faced that fear and am more calm about it. I'm also sort of scared of heights.
Quote you like: Never cry over something that can't cry over you.
Religious affiliation: None.
Siblings: 2.
Time you woke up today: 7:00 a.m. Let the dogs out, moved the car so the street can be plowed and then went back to bed. It's great to be self-employed.
Unusual habits: I make up all sorts of little rules for how I do things and have a hard time breaking my own rules. Like I always read blogs on bloglines alphabetically, not by which ones I'm most interested in. Or when I clean, I start in the kitchen and work my way around the house in a circle. Or when I pick out something - like jeans to wear or pajamas or a towel to dry off with, I have to pick whatever is on top, not pick and choose. Yep, I'm a little OCD.
Vicious thing you've done: Vicious is a pretty strong word and implies an intent to injure. I hope I've never done anything with the intent to hurt someone else. I can be pretty vicious in my sarcastic comments and perhaps they have been overheard and hurt someone's feelings. Like once when I said I'd rather set my hair on fire than stay at someone's house another day - I think she may have overheard me say that.
Worst habit: Eating something sweet after almost every meal.
X-rays you've had: Teeth. My ankle when I sprained it in Iceland - they thought it might be broken. I think that's it.
Your favorite season: Fall, by far.
Zodiac sign: Cancer.