Thank You!
I did manage to finish the first of my thrummed mittens. As you can see from the photo, I figured out how to knit the thrums in better, and the top half looks much better than the bottom half. Just think how good the second mitten is going to be :-)

Book Club was fun, as usual. We got a pretty good discussion about childhood and small towns going in discussing "A Brief History of the Flood". There are 8 people in our book club and everyone was there at the same time for the first time (we started out with just 4 members about 3-4 years ago). I'd say 4 people loved it, 3 of us liked it, and 1 person didn't like it. That's a pretty good mix. I don't know what the next book we're reading is yet - it was Teresa's turn to choose and she forgot the title.
My brother and I went to the BPT to watch the Vikings game on Sunday night. It was a good, high-scoring game, which is the kind I like. I'd like it even better if the defense actually stopped the other team from scoring more often. I went about 50-50 on my fantasy leagues this week, but I won in the league where I'm Commish - and I was playing the old Commish, who I LOVE to beat.
Monday night I went out for beers and dinner with my cool co-worker, Matt, and Bill. We went to Mannings, which is my favorite kind of bar - a neighborhood bar. Very low key.
Last night I watched my nephew and we went to see this:

I didn't really care for it. I liked the animation, but the script just wasn't very funny. Michael liked it though, so I guess that's all that matters.
I'll leave you with a picture of Fiona, who wanted me to finish taking a picture of my mitten and let her in for a treat: