Warning: Graphic Description Ahead
Wednesday night I took a holiday card class at Archivers. I'm not starting my cards yet, but I thought it would be a good idea to take the class before it starts getting really hectic and busy. They had some cute ideas, but a lot of the supplies aren't in the store yet. I think I liked the cards from last year better, so I may use some of those ideas instead. We made one sample card and one sample tag in class that are pretty cute. It seems ribbons are the big embellishment on cards this year. I did get a chance to use the acrylic paint that is big right now - still don't particularly like the look, though.
All the kids are out of school for MEA, so I took my niece and nephew to the zoo on Thursday. They were having a special program on Wolves, since there are new baby wolves at the zoo. I had to write a court report for a hearing on Friday morning, so I ended up having to work in the morning and we missed a lot of the activities, but the Imax movie was really good. I think we all had a good time.
I was supposed to take a beading class in the evening, but I got a call in the morning that I was the only person signed up, so the class was cancelled. So, footloose and fancy free, I decided to attend the John Kerry rally outside Metrodome. I got a call from my friend, Jackie, that she had VIP tickets, if I wanted to go with her - well, of course! How lucky was that? The line was wrapped all the way around Metrodome, and we didn't have to stand in line at all - we went right to the very thorough security check. We had orange tickets, so we were told to stand in the orange section, which was right beside the stage - we were about 5-6 rows from Mr. Kerry. In fact, the woman in front of me was able to shake his hand when he was leaving the stage. Since it was such a huge crowd and I'm so short, I didn't really realize how close we were until I saw these pictures from a link on my friend, Michael's, blog.

Wow! There were 30,000 people there - it was the largest political rally in Minnesota history. I really, really hope that's a good omen for the election. Mr. Kerry gave his usual stump speech - many of the phrases were familiar from the 3 debates. There were a number of speakers before the candidate. The best was Keith Ellison. He is guaranteed my support if he ever decides to run for Governor or the Senate. If you're interested, here's more info about him.
So, it was a great rally, and I'm glad I went, but I wasn't as energized by it as the Vote for Change concert. I'm sure part of it is the power of rock n roll - it gets you excited much better than a speech, no matter how much you agree with the content of the speech. Part of it is the crowd - I'm not a big fan of crowds. They make me anxious. And part of it was my ever-increasing headache. I thought perhaps it was because I hadn't eaten dinner, so Jackie and I went out of dinner at Azia. I had the cranberry curry, which I can highly recommend. However, I still didn't feel good, so we headed on out. When I got back to my car, I took a couple of asprin - and this is where it gets graphic, so stop reading now if you don't like disgusting things - and three blocks later I threw up all over the inside of my car. I managed to pull over the car, but I didn't have time to open the door. It's the worst ever!!!!! I spent quite a bit of time on Friday trying to clean out the car and get rid of the smell, but no luck so far. If you have any sage advice, please send it over.